Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer cools down

Both Mark and I have been remiss with our Blogging in the last few weeks. The reason is easy, it was too darn hot!
Mark has been teaching all day in temperatures of around 37c and when he is finished for the day he is totally wasted!
As for me I have less of an excuse, but after getting up at 6.30 am to play golf around 8 a.m. and finishing absolutely covered in perspiration I go to the 19th hole and have a long cold drink followed by a very slow trip home along the coast to Grimaud. Here I catch up on my e-mails and have lunch followed by a siesta. And so the afternoon proceeds with a swim and when the local shops re-open at 3.30 a little shopping whilst darting in and out of the very strong sunshine.
The weather in July and August has been extremely hot, as it normally is, however on September 1st (my Birthday!) it is as if a switch has been turned off and the temperature reverts to mid to upper 20c. The sun still shines but it is no longer necessary to hibernate into the house all day or to perspire whilst watching the TV in the evening.
The roads are now quieter and it is possible to travel the coast road between St Maxime and St Tropez without long queues. In fact the season is coming to an end.
In another month the camp sites will be empty and we will once again be living in a rural idyll.
One might ask why we stay in the region during the hot months, well the reason is simple. This is the time when our friends and family decide they really cannot live without seeing us. One might wonder if they would feel the same if we lived in Scunthorpe!! I now discover from several phone calls from people wishing me a Happy Birthday that our guests are continuing into October, with three more couples arriving, as they haven't seen us for ages!!!!
Next week is our wedding Anniversary and we are going to spend it in San Remo, Italy. Here we will visit the wonderful market and my wife, Gaynor, will no doubt find a lovely Anniversary present in the marvelous Italian shops situated there. As for me I will again experience wonderful Italian cooking.

Mr. L. 3/09/09

1 comment:

Raymonde said...

Yes, it's been a roasting hot summer! The people renting our villa emptied 2 tubes of sunscreen and I've had to do a big restocking!