Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring arrives

Well at last Spring is with us with the temperature now getting to the mid 20s at mid-day! The vines are sprouting and I have seen the first poppies and this always lifts my spirit. Once again this winter has been pretty severe, by South of France standards, and I will certainly have to rethink our plans on staying here all of next winter.
The other day I had coffee with Mark in St Maxime and we sat in the port and watched the yachts making their first outing of the season under blue skies. It was wonderful.
Golf is now being played earlier in the day to stay away from the hotter temperatures around noon and the pool temperature is now climbing gradually so that we can soon swim. Truly a sign that summer is not far away.
The first guests of the season will start arriving next month so we are busy touching up the house and garden. Busy Busy!!

Mr. L. 29/04/10

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