Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer is coming

Summer has finally come to the Cote D'Azur! As you can see even our dog is eating ice creams to cool down!
We can now play golf whenever we want without getting frozen or wet, though we still have to make sure we miss the bits that the Wild boars have dug up!!
The stream of visitors have started and that means a continuous meals out that will not help the diet I am always on!
We have several friends who come in Spring and Autumn to miss the heat and to enable them to let out their homes in summer. It is always great to meet up with them and see what they have been up to whilst away.
There has been a big change at the St Maxime golf club because they have banned dogs! This means that Mark's shadow, Lady, is no longer his constant companion whilst he is teaching and she is missed by her fans who love her, at the Golf Club!

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