Saturday, August 7, 2010

Holiday in The French Alps

The hot weather in the South of France persuaded my wife and I to take a trip to the French Alps last week.
We had not visited in summer before and decided to visit Annecy and Chamonix. Our arrival in Annecy was a very pleasant surprise as it is a beautifuly preserved old town with a canal going through it and flanked with restaurants and small shops. The town is on the lake and is magnificent with boats and steamers on it. The lake is surrounded by parks and play areas and has many activities for all ages.
After 4 days in Annecy we travelled to Chamonix which was even cooler and breathtaking with snow still on the top of Mont Blanc. This ski resort changes to a walkers paradise in summer and seemed just as full with people in walking clothes.
Chamonix is full of shops and restaurants and has many activities such as swimming pool, ice rink, and many cable cars taking one up to mountain restaurants which are usually full of skiers in winter.
I would certainly recommend a trip to the French Alps in summer not only for the cooler temperature but also for the magnificent scenery.
Mr. L. 7/08/2010

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