Sunday, September 26, 2010

England Trip

Our trip to Uk has been busy! It started in London with spending 4 nights with my daughters family and gave me a chance to see my grandchildren.
During our stay I managed a round of golf with my son in law and visited our chef friends , Giancarlo and Katie Caldesi for a BBQ. They are known for their TV series " Return to Tuscany" which was about their running a cookery school in Tuscany. They also have a restaurant and cookery school in London and a restaurant in Bray. The BBQ was great and we had game, both venison and guinea fowl. The picture above is them preparing our meal!
We are presently in our Farmhouse in the North West and I have already managed 18 holes on the Southport & Ainsdale links golf course, a new experience for me and exhilerating!
Last night we visited Rusholme, in Manchester ( Indian Restaurant Heaven) and delighted my wife with her favourite food! For me I prefer Chinese!

Mr.L. 24/09/2010

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