Saturday, October 30, 2010


Just got back from a break in Morocco. This was a first time for us and we had heard all sorts of things about pick pockets, dirt, and poverty.

What we found was an assault on our senses! Beautiful buildings, great soukes full of hospitable people who want to make a living and love to haggle, so ask absurd prices waiting for the haggling ceremony. The main square in Marrakech is quite in the morning, gets busier in the afternoon and by evening is a hive of activity with music, small restaurants, performers and people watching! An amazing atmosphere.

We stayued in Riad close to the squre and wondered what we had arrived at as we walked down this side street with overflowing bins only to arrive at an unmarked door with no sign. Once inside we entered a place of peace and beauty. What a wonderful experience! Except for the Tangines that they seem to live off! To my mind they should isolate Morocco to stop them exporting them! More dangerous than Iran's bombs!
Mr.L. 29/109/10

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