Monday, May 10, 2010

Les Sarments Restaurant

Several months ago a friend suggested a restaurant on the main road below Gassin which we pass often on the road to Cavalier and have never tried.
On Saturday we decided to finally try it and I have to say it was really good.
The restaurant itself is airy and welcoming and very Provencal. It had several set menues for €25/45 but we rarelly take these as neither my wife or myself take cheese or desert after a large meal, as it is just too much!!
My wife started with the mousse de Sainte Jacques which was delightfully fluffy and very tasty and was surrounded by queenie scollops. I had the fois gras with fig jam to take away the richness. To follow my wife had fish in a delicious lobster sauce and I decided to be adventurous and try the Noix de Ris de veaux ( veal sweetbreads). These were absolutey delicious if you don't ask what they are!!!
This restaurant is a real find and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Mr.L. 10/05/10

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