Sunday, August 22, 2010

Club 55

Having family over from Monaco and my daughter and her family staying with us we decided, against my better judgement, to eat at Club Cinquante cinq (55) on the beach. I never go on purpose as it is always SO crowded in August. As you can see from the picture it was a little like an open air caferteria for the rich and famous. people arrive en famille from their boats and the cars in the car park are stunning.
This restaurant is the summer favourite of the stars and business moguls however without having them pointed out to one they are just happy families enjoying each others' company.
The service was excellent if only they served the food as ordered. I ordered a pink hamburger and chips but got a raw one!
The prices seemed reasonable until my daughter decided to order a plate of rasberries and strawberries for all 8 of us to share and we were amazed to find a charge of €160 for just this!!
So be aware! If you want somewhere to be seen and to see then this is the place but watch the crowded tables and hidden extras, like the guys who park the cars and will not take less than €15 as a tip!

Mr. L. 22/08/2010


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