Sunday, September 12, 2010

La Pinede Plage

Our wedding anniversary was Wednesday and we celebrated with a BBQ at Mark's house, however I felt I was probably getting away too easily and decided to find somewhere special to go on Saturday evening.

The evening started in Cavaliere where there was a jazz group playing on the port. We started with a drink with friends we encountered and then, after putting Micha ( our dog) back in the car because she freaks at loud music, we spent a pleasant time listening to the group.

We then went to Gigaro beach to give Micha a play on the sand.

This was followed by a visit to the Hotel/ Restaurant La Pinede Plage. This was our first visit there and I must say we were surprised at what we found. The outside restaurant is directly next to their private beach and had a lovely ambience.

The service was excellent with both my wife, Gaynor, and I picking identical dishes. We started with crab nems ( chinese rolls) and followed with Lobster Luingine. An excellent meal, if not cheap.

They had a great selection of locally caught fish and you could select which size and type of fish you wanted grilled. Unfortunately the price was a little steep as the average fish was about 500gm and they were charging around €20 per 100gm making the fish dish around €100!!!

This is a beautiful setting and am sure a great place to stay for a luxury holiday.

Mr. L 12/09/2010


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