Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Toy part 2

Well the story continues. After leaving the car in a local garage whilst I was on holiday I returned with my job list mainly marked as " take to Mercedes garage"!!

I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw this as the car had a miriad of apparently small electronic problems, however bolstered by sheer bravado I booked it in for a few weeks later. In the meanwhile I got down to doing something about the old Mercedes cassette radio matched with the great Bose sound system. Off I went to the local version of Halfords and found a great radio for a few hundred euros, but then my eye wandered to a radio with a sceen that came up from radio and would have GPS. Wow I thought, until the salesman said that really with such a good sound system I needed the better Alpine system that had GPS/Bluetooth/Automatic phone connection and wireless connection to I Pod/I Phone. I was hooked  and the next thing I realised was that I had to buy modules to make the Bluetooth and GPS work. In all went in for a decent radio and finished with the deluxe at the price of a couple of sets of tyres on a normal car. Still I am delighted.

Back to the Mercedes story then, the day finally came for my appointment and I booked it in with a very nice gentleman in his private office who went through the list of things I needed to do to make the car perfect. After 4 days he came back to me with a Devis ( estimate) that told me that with the radio that I had already bought I had just doubled the price of the car!!!!

Well in for a penny in for a pound. It is me that wants the car restoring to original condition with everything working so I agreed. The garage will have it for the next few weeks whilst awaiting parts but then my new toy will be as near perfect as it is possible to get it. Will let you know!!!

Mr. L   07/06/2012

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