Friday, June 19, 2009

TheTahiti beach - Pampalone, Saint Tropez

Tahiti beach epitomizes everyone’s idea of St Tropez. Firstly it is situated on the beautiful Pampalone beach, where most of the daytime activity is around St Tropez. The day we visited was very hot but we were put on a table surrounded by a fine mist of water from overhead sprays, which cooled everything down without anybody getting wet! Looking at the beach it was covered in Orange umbrellas and deck chairs and as I looked at the sea it was literally teaming with multi million pound yachts. The restaurant was running a boat shuttle service for the clients to come for lunch. As you can imagine the restaurant was full of an eclectic mix of people and to be honest it was difficult to see which ones were from the boats as nobody was really wearing any special clothes! That was until I noticed a few stunning girls walking around in not a lot!
I soon realised that these were 6 foot models showing off the designer wares from the attached boutique. The prices were not extortionate and the food was good with a good selection of sashimi, sushi, fish, pasta and meat. We wiled away the afternoon by listening to the live group, watching the models, much to the displeasure of our wives, and chatting whilst enjoying the local wines. All in all a great lunch which finished around 3.30 pm!. I would recommend this restaurant in all its aspects but especially for people watching.

Mr L

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