After hints from my kids that I do have grandchildren to see and from my business partner saying it would be good to meet up I finally decided to make a trip back.
This is no quick Easyjet flight from Nice but a full 1000 mile trip by car as we want to take our dog with us!
During the 3 weeks we will meet up with family and friends and perhaps take a trip to the Lake District. Our home in UK is in the North West so this is not too long a trip from there.
My wife loves the UK after having lived here for nearly 20 years. She misses the friendliness of the local people in our village and of course the theatre and cinema.
We are stopping at Etoges near Rheims on the way up to Calais and am looking forward to the seeing the Castle the hotel is part of.
Well 2 more games of golf before we go! Hope to play in UK but that depends on the weather!! Feel guilty about leaving my golf partners as they will have no lost balls to look for!!
Mr.L. 12/09/2010
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