This week saw the marriage of my wife's niece Corrine to her fiance Mark in our local Marie ( Town Hall) in the picturesque village of Grimaud, where we live.
They wanted to get married here instead of UK as Mark's mother is French and his family mainly live in France, as for Corrine her Grandmother lives near us and of course we live here!
In France the wedding is carried out by the local mayor and any religious ceremony follows but has no place in French law.
The mayor wears his tricolour badge of office and the ceremony is quite quick, which is more than I can say for the vicar who performed the service at a beach club! It was quite distracting to have the vicar performing the service whilst the nudes on the beach adjacent were watching what was going on and preening!
After the Marie service we had lunch at our house and some took a swim followed by a trip to the beach, for a religious ceremony, and a slap up meal with music going on until 1.30 in morning. I believe the bride and groom and their young friends even managed to go on to a club to dance until the sun came up. All in all there were about 85 people at the wedding, many of whom had traveled from the UK!
P.S. The pretty lady pictured above was NOT the vicar but a school friend reading poetry!
Mr.L. 9/09/2011
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