Tuesday, March 9, 2010

VIAC and friends

One of the most difficult things about living in the South of France is the transient nature of the people who live here. People are here for many reasons, some come to stay others are only here for a period of years.
We recently lost good friends, pictured above, that we had spent a lot of time with and indeed had been on several holidays with. They returned to America, which they always said they would return to, so that they could be with their families and friends.
Friends’ departing the area always leaves a hole in your life which is hard to fill, but I guess that life is like that.
Of course we have many acquaintances and several close friends who we are blessed with and these always enrich our lives.
For ex-pats living in the area there are many associations that one can join to meet other English speaking people. The one we joined was VIAC, this is a luncheon club that meets once a month and is an excellent way of meeting new friends.
Mr.L. 8/3/10

VIAC- 0494 478363

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