Friday, June 25, 2010

Sardines in Grimaud

After living in Grimaud for 8 years I discovered that there is a celebration for the summer solstice each year. I arrived at the beautiful old church, which is situated in a field, just outside of the village expecting a few people dancing around a bonfire ( very pagan with vestil virgins!). What I actually found was about 400 hundred villagers seated at tables waiting for grilled sardines to be cooked on loads of barbeques. Free wine was being served and everybody in jovial mood. The Catholic church had made the event into a religious event and a service was taking place inside the church. After the service the locals in Provencal outfits were playing drums and blowing pipes all very noisy! The obligitory speeches took place on the steps of the church and the party began.
As the meal was finishing and it was getting darker the bonfire was lit and the guys with guns started firing into the air. The dog freaked!!
The funniest thing was to see the priest and the mayor dancing around the pagan bonfire!
Cannot wait for next year!
Mr. L. 25/06/2010

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