Sunday, June 21, 2009

Here they come!! By Mr L

If you think you have no friends or that your family don’t visit you often enough, then move to the South of France and I guarantee that, during the summer, you will be inundated with self invited guests who really miss seeing you!!

This sounds great but it has its problems:

Where do they stay? In my case I could not bear the thought of having people, no matter how much I love them, living in my home so my solution was to have a separate house about 3km from my home. This gives me the space I need and I can keep my sanity. I know this is not realistic but it is great if you can find them their own space. Obviously a B&B is probably more realistic and these can be had for about €70 per night.

Eating out is expensive in the area but there are many restaurants with a bias towards pasta and pizza where a cheap meal can be had. Even in the more up market restaurants if you stick to the “ Formule” they are often at around €20 and comprises 3 courses.

For transport all the airports have car rentals but beware! Shop around on the internet, don’t be talked into upgrades or extra insurance. Above all when you return the vehicle INSIST on checking the car for damage and get the inspection signed for by the rental company. This is your only protection against being charged for damage you have not done. Also fill the tank before returning car and get this signed off also.

The visitors go on right through the season and when September arrives and the last guest has left a sigh of relief goes up from all the English residents of the South of France. The visitors have left, the roads are clear, the beaches almost empty and the dog is allowed on again. This is the best time here, the weather is still good and we can enjoy lunch on the beach, enjoy the sunshine and my wife doesn’t need to clean the guest house.

This is the time when we can visit Italy, spend time in Nice or Cannes and get ready for a peaceful autumn.

Mr L

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