Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hot days and barmy evenings in Sainte Maxime by Mark

Last night we went out to Sainte Maxime with my old mate Roby from Milan. He had just popped over with his wife Marika and their daughter Ava for a few days R and R, I think it was just an excuse for a couple of playing lessons with me up at the Sainte Maxime golf club.

Andrew, Michele, Marika, Ava, Roby and Lady

After a few drinks and a meal at La Derive (during the meal Lady was schooled by Ava or was it the other way round) we strolled up the walking street to our favourite ice cream seller ‘Coco glaces’ At that point all thoughts of sticking to my diet had completely gone out of my head, so as they say ‘ in for a penny in for a pound’

For me!!!!

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